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Feral Cat Handling Gloves

Wild or feral cats can be dangerous as their bites and claws not only lacerate the skin but can pass on a range of diseases. Protect your hands against feral cats with our range of Feral Cat Handling Gloves, a selection of safety gloves with a range of resistances, including puncture resistant fibres and more.

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HexArmor Hercules R8E 3180 Animal Handling Gloves

HexArmor Hercules R8E 3180 Animal Handling Gloves

  • Pair of reinforced anti-bite gloves
  • Suitable for handling dogs, snakes, rats and other animals
  • Extended gauntlet style protects the entire arm
  • SuperFabric lining can stop needles and teeth in their tracks
Currently unavailable. Please check back soon  Currently unavailable. Please check back soon
£349.99(Exc. 20% VAT)
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